a source of environmental information and opportunities for the tribal community

EPA Brownfields
Sharri Venno 207-532-4273 ext. 215 envplanner@maliseets.com

Provides grants and technical assistance to communities.
“The Purpose of Brownfields Redevelopment is to expand, redevelop, or reuse a property which may be complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination. The Brownfields Program provides communities with financial assistance in assessing potential environmental impacts and the associated cleanup through US EPA funded grants.” - Campbell Environmental.
Campbell Environmental websiteBrownfield Public Record
News Articles
Seacoast OnlineCD Recycler
HBMI currently has no potential Brownfields sites on Tribal trust land. However, consistent with our practice of working at a watershed level to address threats to water quality and ecosystem health, we have been working in partnership with the Town of Houlton and Maine Department of Environmental Protection on sources of contamination along Pearce Brook, a tributary of the Meduxnekeag upstream from Tribal water resources. HBMI has been awarded FY’15 Brownfield funds. There are a number of potential Brownfield sites in the Pearce Brook watershed that we will address through EPA’s Brownfields process.
We will also work on establishing the four elements of the program; establishing and maintaining the public record; developing/enhancing the response program; and implementing site-specific activities.
We have entered into a contract with Campbell Environmental in Falmouth, Maine to help us with the environmental assessment process of our Brownfields program. They are registered with EPA as a Qualified Environmental Professional.
Environmental Planning
Sharri Venno 207-532-4273 ext. 215 envplanner@maliseets.com

The environmental planning program is funded primarily through grants from the EPA to develop tribal self sufficiency in environmental management.
HBMI uses these funds to support a variety of environmental protection activities, such as:
- Reducing soil erosion
- Pollution prevention
- Addressing Environmental Health Issues
- Building Federal, State, and Local Partnerships
- Providing Education and Outreach
- Waste management
- Radon education, assessment, and mitigation
- Maintaining & refining an environmental assessment of tribal lands
- Environmental health issues
- Water quality monitoring
- Working on Watershed Management and Restoration at an International Level

Environmental Protection & Forestry
Matthew Edberg 207-532-4273 ext. 221 timber@maliseets.com

This program works on a number of projects, including:
- Planting riparian buffer strips to help reduce soil erosion
- Tree and shrub plantings around HBMI's housing units
- Medicinal Plant Nursery
- Map creation using GIS technology
- Maintaining a firewood and fir tip permit system
- Invasive Plant Management – Purple Loosestrife
- Invasive Plant Management – Garlic Mustard
- Implementing BMP's (Best Management Practices) on Tribal Lands
- Emergency Firefighter Agreement with BIA and Maine Forest Service
- Maintaining the Tribal Nature Trail
- Wildlife Habitat Enhancement
- Invasive insect monitoring – Emerald Ash Borer
- Invasive insect monitoring – Asian Longhorn Beetle
Real Estate Services
Susan Young 207-532-4273 ext. 202 ogs1@maliseets.com

The program's primary function is to assist the Tribal Leadership in acquiring 5,000 acres to establish a land base for the Tribe.
To date, 1,440.5 acres has been purchased and 1,263 acres placed in trust status. Fee land is 177.5 acres. This land is managed in accordance with federal and Tribal Law and the needs of the Tribe.
Program activities include leasing Tribal Lands for agricultural purposes and setting aside lands for residential lots. The Real Estate program works closely with other Tribal Programs such as Environmental Protection/Forestry, Environmental Planning and Water Resources.
Obtained grant for US Veterans Affairs, National Cemetery program to create first Tribal Veterans Cemetery east of the Mississippi

Water Resources
Rhonda Cochran 207-532-4273 ext. 212, rcochran@maliseets.com
Sam St. John 207-532-4273 ext. 216 sstjohn@maliseets.com

The Water Resources program is working to protect and enhance the water quality in the Meduxnekeag River and throughout the watershed.
Through monitoring the water quality conditions in the river, we are able to help tribal members make informed choices regarding their activities in and around the river.
Each summer, the Water Resources team monitors the river and its tributaries for:
- Dissolved oxygen
- Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
- Turbidity
- Conductivity
- e.Coli
- pH
- Benthic macroinvertebrates in rotation with Maine DEP
- Alkalinity
- Water Temp
- e.Coli bacteria
- Stormwater Sampling
- Algal Composition Assessment
- GIS mapping of sites and data collection
Current and Future projects
- Nutrients, Organics (Pesticides), and Mercury concentrations in the Meduxnekeag River , 2003. (in conjunction with USGS)
- Phosphorus and sediment analysis using an ISCO automated storm-event sampler.
- Fish Habitat Assessment, Protection, and Restoration/Enhancement (in conjunction with ME Dept. of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife)
- Microbial Source Tracking of Fecal Coliform Bacteria (in conjunction with USGS)
- Aerial Infrared Remote-Sensing of Point and Non-Point Source Discharge to the Meduxnekeag River (in conjunction with USGS)
- Algae as an Indicator of Nutrient Loading (with the University of Maine )
- Purple Loosestrife Invasive Plant Identification and Removal (funding and guidance through BIA)